With some tasks, it’s easy to know when it’s time to put them on your to-do list. If the grass gets tall, it’s time to mow the lawn. If the check engine light comes on, it’s time to bring the car to a mechanic. How about your sewage system? How... View Article
Some terms are interchangeable, and people often use “grinder pump” and “sewage pump” as synonyms. However, there are significant differences between these two pieces of equipment. Here’s what you need to know to distinguish between these two types of machines. Grinder pump basics A grinder pump is a specific type... View Article
Wastewater treatment is a dirty yet necessary job in Camden County, MO and all over the country. Without wastewater treatment, the sewage we produce could contaminate our fresh water supplies and even our soil. Aeration is one of the steps in the wastewater treatment process. If you’ve always wondered what... View Article
Wastewater is one of the most common pollutants around the world. Fortunately, the United States has a robust system in place, including sewers, pumping stations and treatment plants. Once wastewater enters a treatment plant, it undergoes a cleaning process before it’s released into receiving waters or sent away for reuse.... View Article
When selecting a water pump, there are plenty of choices available—which means you’ll need to understand how each pump type works, their advantages and disadvantages and what they’ll be used for. This will help you make the right decision for your lift station’s specific needs. Here’s how to select the... View Article