The Treatment Process of Wastewater Filtration
The process to treat wastewater is critical to keeping our environment clean. Wastewater treatment is the process of removing contaminants from water that is contaminated with sewage or industrial waste. The goal of wastewater treatment is to produce clean water that can be safely returned to the environment. Below are the stages of wastewater treatment.
1. Primary Treatment
When sewage or other wastewater enters a treatment plant, the first stage of treatment is known as primary treatment. This process involves removing large objects from the water, such as sticks, leaves, and other debris. The remaining water is then pumped into a tank, where it settles for a period of time. During this process, heavier particles settle at the bottom of the tank while lighter particles float to the top.
The settled sludge and floating scum are then removed from the tank, and the remaining water is sent to secondary treatment. Primary treatment is an important first step in the wastewater treatment process, but it does not remove all impurities from the water. For this reason, secondary treatment is necessary to remove smaller particles and viruses before the water can be discharged back into the environment.
2. Secondary Treatment
Secondary treatment is the second stage of wastewater treatment. During this process, bacteria and other microorganisms break down the remaining impurities in the water. The most common type of secondary treatment is activated sludge. This process begins by mixing the sewage water with oxygen and bacteria. The mixture is then sent to a tank, where it is aerated (or mixed) for a period of time. The aeration allows the bacteria to break down the impurities in the water, which are then removed from the tank as sludge. The treated water is then discharged into the environment.
3. Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary treatment is the third and final stage of wastewater treatment. This process removes any remaining impurities in the water before it is discharged into the environment. The most common type of tertiary treatment is advanced wastewater treatment (AWT). This process uses various techniques to remove impurities from water, such as filtration, adsorption, and ultraviolet light. AWT is an essential step in the wastewater treatment process because it helps protect the environment from harmful pollutants.
4. Disinfection
After the water has been treated, it is disinfected to kill any remaining bacteria or viruses. The most common type of disinfection is chlorination. This process involves adding chlorine to the water, killing bacteria and other microorganisms. Chlorination is a very effective way to disinfect water, but it can also be harmful to the environment. For this reason, other methods of disinfection, such as ultraviolet light, are sometimes used.
The above step-by-step guide provides an overview of the wastewater treatment process. This process is important because it protects the environment from harmful pollutants. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, visit Enviro-Line Co, Inc. We specialize in the design and manufacture of wastewater treatment equipment. Visit our website to learn more about our products and services.
Categorised in: Wastewater Filtration