Nutrient Removal and Energy Savings
Nutrient removal is part of the wastewater treatment process that removes excess ammonia, nitrogen and phosphorous from the effluent. Typically, ammonia is converted to nitrate, then the water is denitrified before it is eventually allowed to reenter the environment via bodies of receiving water. It’s crucial to remove these nutrients, and government regulations have strict standards for what they consider safe levels of each. When large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorous are allowed to reenter the environment, they can disrupt the natural environment and negatively affect our drinking water.
Studies have shown that using aeration for nutrient removal can account for up to 60 percent of a wastewater treatment plant’s energy costs—by striving to reduce that number, an effective wastewater treatment plant design in Camden County, MO can maximize efficiency and savings as well as minimize the facility’s carbon footprint.
Advanced nutrient removal systems
Using aeration is one method of removing nitrogen from water—the excess nitrogen interacts with the oxygen and becomes nitrogen gas, removing a significant amount of nitrogen from the water. As noted, however, that can account for up to 60 percent of a plant’s energy costs.
The answer to energy savings is implementing an advanced nutrient removal system. By removing a large amount of phosphorous and nitrogen prior to the aeration process, you can save energy and maximize your plant’s efficiency. These advanced systems can significantly reduce nitrogen levels in the water by an additional 40 percent. Often, the improvements come in the form of additional filters, which can be installed with minimal additional alteration required to the plant’s existing filtration systems
Types of advanced nutrient removal filters
Denitrification filters come in two main varieties: deep bed and continuous backwash. Deep bed filters force water through deep beds of large granules made of a porous material. Continuous backwash filters, on the other hand, use sand and a continuous backwash motion to trap nutrients and solid material, allowing the effluent to escape.
By simply adding new filters to your existing facility, you can save money and energy over the long term. Enviro-Line Co., Inc. specializes both in designing brand-new advanced nutrient removal systems for wastewater treatment plants and retrofitting and upgrading existing systems
Creative wastewater treatment plant facility design concepts from Enviro-Line Co., Inc.
As nutrient level regulations become more stringent, Enviro-Line Co., Inc. is here to help you find solutions that will work for your facility. Contact us today for wastewater treatment plant design in Camden County, MO. Enviro-Line Co., Inc. has been locally owned and operated for nearly 50 years. Our experienced team can help you design and install nutrient removal systems that will save you money without sacrificing efficiency or quality.
We are representatives for manufacturers of water and wastewater pumping and treatment equipment, proud to offer high-quality products and exceptional customer service. We work with everyone from single homes to commercial facilities, doing installs, replacements, repairs and maintenance. Contact us today to find out how we can most effectively serve your wastewater treatment plant.
Categorised in: Sewage Systems