How Myers Grinder Pumps Allow Lakefront Property to Be Developed and Enjoyed
Lakefront developments and septic tanks are not exactly a match made in heaven, especially when the homes were built decades prior. Because they’re in close proximity to water that’s used for recreation and enjoyment, malfunctioning septic or sewer systems are a serious concern. No one wants raw sewage leaking into the lake where people go to swim and fish.
When faced with this problem, many municipalities are turning toward grinder pumps to safely ensure tanks are emptied promptly and can connect to the city’s sewer system. This can be an efficient method to provide sewers to difficult rocky, hilly and high water table areas and, in some cases, is the only solution.
At Enviro-Line Co., Inc., we highly recommend Myers grinder pumps, which are among the best in the industry. If you’re looking for grinder pumps for your lakefront development in Camden County, MO, be sure to reach out to us for more information. We have a complete inventory here at the lake.
How grinder pumps work
Sewage grinder pumps are designed to grind up raw sewage into a slurry and use high pressure to pump the slurry to its new destination, whether that’s a pressurized and centralized sewer system or other faraway location. They’re also used when the slurry needs to be pumped to a significantly higher elevation.
Models with internal capacitators are most common, and do not require a control panel for operation. The units without internal capacitators require a special control panel. The control panel includes capacitators to operate the pump.
Grinder pumps vs. ejector pumps
Whether you should opt for a grinder pump over an ejector pump depends on a few factors. This is because grinder pumps are designed to push slurry over a long distance or into a pressurized tank. If the pump doesn’t meet with enough resistance, the motor will turn too fast and quickly burn itself out.
Grinder pumps are for three main applications: pumping sewage into a pressurized sewer tank, pumping sewage over long distance (at least 1,000 feet) or pumping sewage at a high elevation.
Ejector pumps, on the other hand, are used for pumping sewage to a septic tank, gravity sewer main, over short distances (750 feet or under) or if there’s a low vertical distance to lift the water. This is usually capped at 70 feet.
In most cases, ejector pumps will be the appropriate option. However, if you’re living on or developing lakefront property, it would be worth your while to explore whether Myers grinder pump use in Camden County, MO could be a safe solution for your sewage system.
Grinder pumps for lakefront developments in Camden County, MO
Enviro-Line Co., Inc. has been a locally owned and operated business since 1971 and offers installations, replacements, repairs and maintenance to single homes, businesses and commercial facilities. We are representatives for manufacturers of water and wastewater pumping and treatment equipment, and are proud to offer high-quality products and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to find out how we can help your wastewater system. We look forward to working with you soon!
Categorised in: Sewage Systems